The absolutely delicious sushi-grade Glitne Halibut is the star of this show. However the award for best co-star would undoubtedly go to the pickled onions marinated in fresh lime juice and salt. They only take 5 minutes to prepare, but they need to marinate for at least an hour ahead of time. Actually, the longer the onions sit in lime juice the better. I recommend making them a few hours prior to using. They keep in the fridge for several weeks so you can use what is leftover to brighten another dish later.
What you will need:
(1) Package of Seatopia Glitne Halibut Fillets (for best results defrost in refrigerator at least 3 hours prior to using)
(1) Purple onion
(1) Teaspoon of salt
(1/4) Cup lime juice
(2) Tablespoons of avocado oil
(3) Tablespoons of olive oil
(1/3) head of a green cabbage
(1) Avocado
* Small handful of fresh oregano or fresh cilantro
* Paleo tortillas or tortillas of your choice
* Salt & black pepper to taste

Step 1. Thinly dice onion, place in airtight container with lemon juice, and add a teaspoon of salt. Shake well until the lime juice and salt cover all of the onions. Set aside at room temp until ready to use or in the refrigerator if preparing a day ahead or more.
Step 2. Slice avocado and set aside until ready to use
Step 3. Thinly slice cabbage and set aside until ready to use
Step 4. Warm up tortillas and set aside in an insulated container or towel to keep warm
Step 5. Add 2 tablespoons of avocado oil to a frying pan and bring to high heat
Step 6. Drain any liquid from the @seatopia package and pat dry with paper towels. (This step is very important! All proteins should be air dry or at least free from excess moisture for best results, ask any chef!)
Step 7. When the pan is very hot, gently place dry Halibut fillets in the pan, sear each side 1-3 minutes depending on desired temp (all Seatopia products are sushi grade, feel free to leave the center raw to preserve the natural Omega-3 oils!).
Step 8. Cut your cooked fillets to desired taco size, sprinkle with salt and black pepper.
Step 9. Assemble tacos and top with avocado, cabbage, oregano, pickled onions, and olive oil
Step 10. Enjoy with someone you love! 😊