The Ideal Internal Temperature for Cooking Fish – Seatopia Guide

The Ideal Internal Temperature for Cooking Fish – A Seatopia Guide

Master the art of cooking fish perfectly every time with our comprehensive fish temperature guide.

Attaining the correct internal temperature when cooking fish is paramount for multiple reasons. Firstly, reaching the ideal fish internal temp (fish temperature) ensures safety by eliminating potential harmful pathogens, thus safeguarding against health risks. Additionally, knowing the precise temp for fish when it's cooked can make the difference between an ordinary meal and a gourmet experience. Fish temperature is the key to texture and mouth feel which is what turns a meal into a five star experience. Cooking seafood to its optimal temperature not only enhances its natural flavors but also perfects its texture, delivering a culinary delight. Whether you're aiming for the recommended cooked temperature for fish to ensure health or to achieve a chef-worthy dish, understanding the temperature fish is cooked at is crucial. With Seatopia's guide, you'll master the art of gauging the right fish temp every time, blending safety with exceptional taste. Here's what you need to know for the perfect Seatopia experience.

The Role of Internal Temperature and how it leads to perfectly prepared fish 🐟

Health Implications of Undercooked Fish

Cooking fish to the right internal temperature isn't just about achieving culinary perfection; it's a matter of safety. Undercooked fish can harbor harmful pathogens like bacteria and parasites. While some people enjoy raw fish in dishes like sushi, it's essential to understand that these dishes use specially sourced and treated fish to minimize risks. Regular seafood, when not cooked to the recommended internal temp, can lead to foodborne illnesses. Symptoms can range from mild gastrointestinal discomfort to severe conditions that require medical intervention. Especially for those with compromised immune systems, the elderly, and young children, ensuring fish reaches the safe internal temperature is crucial.

All Seatopia products adhere to the FDA guidelines for raw consumption. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that fish intended for raw consumption should be frozen at -4°F (-20°C) or below for seven days or at -31°F (-35°C) or below until solid and stored at -31°F (-35°C) for 15 hours, or at -31°F (-35°C) for 24 hours. This process is crucial because it effectively eliminates parasites that can be harmful to humans, ensuring that the sushi is safe to consume.

Taste and Texture: The Culinary Significance of Perfect Temperature and how to prepare the perfect fish dish

Beyond safety, there's the matter of taste and texture. Fish is a delicate protein, and its culinary potential is unlocked when cooked just right. Undercooking can leave it slimy and unappetizing, while overcooking can render it dry and tough. By understanding and achieving the ideal internal temp for fish, you ensure that it retains its moisture, flakiness, and natural flavors. Whether you're searing a tuna steak, crisping a skin on branzino filet, or baking ora king salmon salmon fillet like our favorite chef Massimo Bottura, hitting that temperature sweet spot means the difference between an okay dish 👍🏾 and a delicious fish meal to remember 👌. When your fish reaches the optimal temperature, it becomes a symphony of taste and texture, offering a melt-in-the-mouth experience that delights every palate.

Fish cooking temperature varies by species, type, size and desired outcome. The type of fish, where the cut is from and how it was treated are the building blocks of the perfect fish dish. Fish handling prior to cooking is the key to your success as a chef! 

Seatopia specializes in delivering sushi grade seafood from artisan farms around the world direct to your door. Getting started is as easy as choosing your box and waiting a few days for the delicious fish to arrive at your door.

Ideal Temperatures by Fish Type

Ensuring your fish reaches the correct internal temperature is essential for both safety and culinary enjoyment. Temperature is the key to texture and texture is the key to a perfect meal. This table is detailing the ideal temperatures for some common fish types like Ora King Salmon, Yellowtail, Black Tiger Shrimp, Peruvian Scallops which are sourced from Seatopia's community of sustainable seafood farms.

Fish Type and Common Name
Ideal Internal Temperature
 How to cook, preparation notes, and recipes.


Norwegian Salmon

Ora King Salmon



145°F (63°C) or

Chinook aka Pacific King (Ora King & Glory bay) 135°F (57°C)

Atlantic Salmon (Norwegian, Faroe Islands) 125°F (52°C)

Coho Salmon (Silver, Pink) 125°F (52°C)

Steelhead Trout 125°F (52°C)

Rainbow Trout 125°F (52°C)

145°F (63°C) Suitable for fillets and whole fish.

👨🏽‍🍳 Chef's pro cooking tip: Pan sear in ghee or neutral oil, then finish in a 400°F oven to desired doneness. High quality Ora King Salmon can be baked, but is best done rare, sashimi or poke style.


Branzino (European Sea Bass) Branzino: 125°F (52°C) - 135°F (57°C) Branzino: A Mediterranean favorite, Branzino is a mild and tender fish that works well with various cooking methods. It’s best when cooked whole, either grilled or roasted, to keep the flesh moist and flavorful.

👨🏽‍🍳 Chef's pro cooking tip: For a perfectly crispy skin, score the Branzino and rub it with olive oil, salt, and herbs. Grill or roast at 400°F (204°C) until the internal temperature reaches 125°F (52°C) for a tender texture or up to 135°F (57°C) for a firmer bite. Serve with lemon, capers, and a drizzle of good-quality olive oil. Consider stuffing the cavity with fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme for added flavor.


125°F (52°C) - 145°F (63°C) A fattier fish compared to it's cousin Kanpachi, give this one a little less heat to bring out the Hiramasa's natural oils. Also great in cevice!
Atlantic Cod 145°F (63°C) Chef's Tip: Famous for fish and chips, Atlantic Cod is also fantastic pan seared with a lemon, butter and caper sauce. 
Pacific Cod 145°F (63°C) Smaller than the Atlantic, Pacific Cod can handle a little less heat but still stand up to a hearty sauce or beer batter
Halibut 145°F (63°C) Suitable for steaks or fillets.
Peruvian Scallops on the Half Shell 125°F (52°C) for medium-rare, 130°F (54°C) for medium Best done simply on the grill with salt and lemon, or crudo style with 1tsp ponzu and a pinch of flaky salt. Try a dash of chili crisp!

Peruvian Scallop Meat

125°F (52°C) for medium-rare, 130°F (54°C) for medium

Chef's Tip: Scallops can cook quickly and become rubbery if overcooked.

Sear on high heat in a cast iron for 15-30 seconds per side until they have a golden crust. Finish with flaky salt and a lemon squeeze!

Black Tiger Shrimp

120°F (49°C) Great with an overnight marinade and sauteed or on the grill. Save the heads and shells for stocks or oils.
Pacific White Shrimp 140°F (60°C)

Chef's Tip: Small shrimp cook very fast - try not to over do it!

We like these in traditional pasta dishes like Gambero e Pistacchio or as an addition to an old school Aglio e Olio.

Lobster 140°F (60°C) Lobster should be cooked through, and can be done by traditioanl steam or stock pot methods. Pro tip - try poaching the tails in butter.

Seatopia's Fish Temperature Guide

Refreezing Cooked Fish. Can You Refreeze Fish After Cooking and maintain high quality?

Navigating the waters of seafood consumption requires knowledge not only of preparation but also of preservation. One frequently asked question is: can you refreeze fish after it has been cooked? Let's dive deep into this topic to ensure that every meal with Seatopia is both delicious and safe.

Safety Concerns:

Fish, like many other proteins, can be a breeding ground for bacteria if not handled correctly. When fish is frozen, the bacteria present becomes inactive but doesn't necessarily die. Upon thawing, these bacteria can become active again. Refreezing and thawing multiple times can increase the risk of harmful bacterial growth, especially if the fish isn't cooled and refrozen promptly after cooking.

Flavor and Texture Changes:

Beyond safety, there's also the culinary experience to consider. Refreezing can alter the texture of the fish. Each freeze-thaw cycle causes the fish's cell structures to break down further, potentially leading to a drier and less flavorful final dish. This is especially significant for a brand like Seatopia, where the promise is not just of health but also of a sensory journey beyond mere consumption.

Seatopia's Stance:

At Seatopia, we are committed to providing a premium seafood experience, emphasizing both health and taste. Our philosophy is rooted in transparency, sustainability, and ethical sourcing. Given this, while it is technically possible to refreeze cooked fish, we recommend consuming it soon after the initial thawing and cooking for the best flavor, texture, and safety. Our seafood is a testament to our dedication to quality, sustainability, and exceptional taste. We encourage our conscious consumers to enjoy our products in a manner that maximizes both their health benefits and culinary potential.

Remember, every Seatopia product is more than just food; it's an experience, a philosophy, and a commitment to the highest principles of responsible consumption. By following best practices in seafood storage and consumption, you're not only ensuring safety but also embracing the Seatopia lifestyle of health, authenticity, and respect for our oceans' natural abundance.

FAQs: Understanding Fish Cooking Temperatures and More

At Seatopia, we believe in empowering our consumers with knowledge. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about cooking fish, based on recent data. Have a question about how to perfectly cook your fish? We are here to help! 

What is the cooking temperature for fish?
The recommended cooking temperature for most fish is 145°F (63°C) when measured at the thickest part of the fish. However, certain fish like tuna, Hiramasa or Kanpachi can be served rare at 125°F (52°C). 

What is the temperature for cooking fish? 
Fish should be cooked at varying temperatures depending on the method. For baking, an oven temperature of 350°F (175°C) is common. For frying, the oil should be between 350°F to 375°F (175°C to 190°C).

What temperature is fish done? 
Fish is considered done when it reaches an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) at its thickest part. The flesh should be opaque and flake easily with a fork. Remember, fish continues to cook a little bit when removed from the heat. 

When is fish done temperature-wise? 
As mentioned, a fish is typically done when its internal temperature reads 145°F (63°C). However, personal preferences, or experimentation with rare or tataki preparation, might have different ideal temperatures.

What is the temperature for cooked fish?
Once cooked, fish should have an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) to ensure it's fully cooked. But this may not always be the goal! Some fish do best at lower temperatures, served medium rare or rare. 

What temperature to fry fish?
When frying fish, the oil should be preheated to a temperature between 350°F to 375°F (175°C to 190°C) for optimal results. 

What temperature should fish be cooked to?
To reiterate, the safe and ideal internal temperature for most fish according to the FDA is 145°F (63°C). However, certain varieties like Ora King Salmon, kanpachi or hiramasa do well at lower internal temperatures if preferred.

What temperature is fish done in the oven?
When baking fish in the oven, it's done when its fully cooked when its internal temperature reaches 145°F (63°C). This is usually achieved at an oven setting of around 350°F (175°C).

What temperature is fish cooked?
A fish is considered cooked when its internal temperature is 145°F (63°C). It should have an opaque appearance and should flake easily, if fully cooked is the desired doneness. 

Mastering the Art of Perfectly Cooked Fish with Seatopia

The journey of savoring perfectly cooked fish is art and science. At its heart, the act of cooking fish revolves around achieving the ideal internal temperature for that particular fish and filet. This isn't just a metric for safety; it's a golden key to unlocking the most flavorful, succulent seafood experience possible.

Here's why perfectly cooked seafood matters:

Safety First: Hitting the right temperature ensures that any potential lurking pathogens are neutralized. 

Mouthfeel: Cooking fish to its optimal temperature unveils its true flavor and ensures the texture is just right – neither too dry nor undercooked. A perfectly cooked fish is a testament to its freshness and quality, offering a delectable taste and melt-in-the-mouth texture.

Enhanced Experience: Beyond the flavor and safety, understanding the temperature nuances elevates your culinary journey. It transforms a simple act of eating into an immersive experience where each bite narrates a tale of the ocean's bounty.

At Seatopia, we're not just about selling seafood; we're about celebrating it. We're about understanding its nuances and ensuring that every dish you make with our products becomes a memorable experience. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and exceptional taste is unwavering, and we want to share that passion with you.

Dive Deeper with Seatopia

We invite you to dive deeper into the world of seafood with Seatopia. Explore our diverse range of sustainably-sourced seafood, and arm yourself with the knowledge and products to create exquisite meals right at home. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a home cook, Seatopia is your trusted partner on this delicious journey.

Discover the Seatopia difference. Experience seafood like never before.